Former Turkish Economy Minister and former Word Bank Vice President Kemal
Derviş, who led the important economic reforms implemented after the crisis
of 2001, made interesting comments on Turkish economic growth problems. This
is, for sure, an occasion to revisit the issue of long-term economic growth.
Professor Robert J. Gordon |
Professor Gordon recently published a hotly debated article in which he
asks if economic growth in the US is over (“Is U.S. Economic Growth Over?
Faltering Innovation Confronts the Six Headwinds”). The paper suggests that
the rapid progress made over the past 250 years could well turn out to be a
unique episode in human history. Income per capita growth that was nearly
stagnant accelerated in the 18th-century UK thanks to the First Industrial
Revolution, which was essentially based on a revolution in production
processes and transportation brought about by the advent of steam energy and
This first revolution was followed by a second in the latter half of the
19th century, led by the US. This Second Industrial Revolution was based on
electricity and the internal combustion engine, to mention the two major
innovations. Most of the durable consumption goods we continue to use
nowadays were created in the 20th century in the US and then spread
throughout the world. These new goods not only tremendously improved human
welfare but had the decisive side effects of pushing capital accumulation,
employment and productivity gains up through many channels. Gordon pointed
out how, for example, the participation of women in working life jumped
thanks to the availability of household goods.
From 1891 to 2007 yearly average per capita income growth was 2 percent
in the U.S. Until the 1970s this growth exceeded 2 percent and was based
mostly on rising labor productivity. After 2007, productivity continued to
increase but at a slower pace, while working hours started to decrease,
canceling out some of the productivity increases. In the coming decades
structural trends, Gordon’s headwinds, will further compensate productivity
gains, which he says are already faltering. Gordon listed his headwinds and
gave estimates on how much each will undermine the long-term trend of 2 percent
growth in per capita income.
Four of those headwinds are demography, education, inequality and debt.
The population is aging and the rising participation of women in the
workforce hit its peak at 58 percent (in the US) in 2000 and then began to
decline. These two factors will cancel out the contribution of employment to
economic growth in the future. Educational attainment, which has increased
greatly in the past, will also peak in the future. Income inequality is
dangerously increasing. According to Gordon, during the last decade
individuals at the bottom level of income distribution got next to nothing
from productivity gains, while individuals at the top took more than half of
the added income. Last but not least, disposable income has been growing more
slowly than debts for years, increasing the debt burden on households. This
burden also has its proper limitations.
For each of these headwinds Gordon subtracts a few fractions of a percent
from the long-term average of 2 percent per capita income growth. He comes to
the conclusion that average growth will fall under 1 percent in the coming
decades before hitting zero in the 2050s in the US. This is certainly bad
news for the US, which sets the limits of the world’s technological frontier.
If humanity is unable to realize a new technological revolution, this
frontier will cease its outward movement. Countries like Turkey, however,
that remain far behind in technology, may still hope to catch up at, of
course, various speeds.
Derviş, after explaining that he isn’t as pessimistic as Gordon regarding
the difficulty of pushing the frontier forward, focused on our basic problem:
How fast can Turkey close in on this frontier? In other words, what could our
growth rate be in the future? We already know the answers: We have to
increase our domestic savings and realize productivity-enhancing reforms. But
the core of the problem is that we, Derviş included, don’t know how to do it.
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