will they be employed in public service? |
Discussing an article
on freedom of religion, conscience and belief, members of the commission
compromised finally on the hotly debated article by including the following
principle in it: “No one can be prohibited from or denounced for fulfilling
the requirements of their religious beliefs.” This wording does not
explicitly say that women can wear the headscarf while working in the public
service, but its spirit does afford this freedom, according to Today's
Zaman's interpretation.
I was surprised by
this compromise because the Republican People's Party (CHP), particularly its
Kemalist wing, was firmly opposed to including such a principle in the new
constitution, fearing that this would allow covered women to work in the
public service. I learned from Today's Zaman's piece of news that a
compromise was reached in the absence of the representative of the CHP
hardcore Kemalists on the parliamentary Constitution Reconciliation
Commission, namely Süheyl Batum, an Eskişehir
The two other CHP
representatives who were at the meeting and supported the compromise were
Rıza Türmen and Atilla Kart, both of whom belong to the left-leaning faction
of the CHP. It seems that Mr. Batum is furious, seeing that he told
reporters: “The agreement is the result of a mistake. We [the CHP] do not
support such an article in the new constitution. It will erode the principle
of secularism. It is against the principle of Turkey being a secular state.”
Anyway, the new constitution has other problems and the chances to draft a
new constitution are rapidly diminishing. Nevertheless, what is sure is that
the existing fracture within the CHP will worsen with this new episode.
I hope with the new
constitution or without it, educated, covered women will be allowed to apply
for public positions in the near future. Basically for two reasons: First,
this is simply their right in terms of universal human rights and any kind of
discrimination must be prohibited in a democracy. Regarding the claimed
threat to secularism, I cannot see any relationship between a headscarf in
public service and secularism. But I would on the other hand like to note,
albeit it is not the purpose of this article, carrying various religious
symbols could raise problems in some specific professions, like for members
of the judiciary. Secondly, the freedom to wear headscarves in the public
service is good for the economy.
This ban on
headscarves dates back to the 1980 coup d'état. Military rulers implemented a
regulation stipulating that women who wear a headscarf cannot be employed by
the state. Currently, state offices do not hire women who wear a headscarf.
In 2004 there were
only 856,000 university-educated women in the labor force according to
Turkish Statistics Institute (TurkStat) data. This number increased to
1,889,000 in 2012. We do not have any idea about the share of covered women
among them, but we can guess that it increased and will be increasing more
rapidly since the ban on headscarves imposed for many years in universities
was only removed in 2010, while the appetite for higher education among young
women wearing headscarves is spreading.
Continuing to ban
women from public service will have an adverse effect, for sure, either on
the unemployment rate of female university graduates or female labor force participation.
Do not forget that the unfriendly climate regarding covered women in
employment encourages private companies to deny them jobs as well, despite
the fact that there is no law that prohibits the use of a headscarf in
private business.
Let me reiterate that
the unemployment rate among female university graduates is actually 14.7
percent, much higher than the correspondent male rate, which is at 7.2
percent, and the overall female labor force participation rate is at 30
percent, being far lower than rates in Southern European countries, where it
varies between 55 and 65 percent. It is well known that the more women are
educated, the more female participation we will see in the labor force, which
is one of the prerequisites of economic development. Banning the headscarf
from public service will not help economic development.
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