Unqualified middle aged women started working |
In urban areas, the female participation rate had hardly reached 26
percent by 2012. Although the rate is on an upward trend with increasing
education levels, the gap that exists with Italy and Greece, the two
countries that have the lowest female labor force participation rates in
Europe, is still very high. They each have a rate of around 55 percent.
In order to achieve its challenging economic development ambitions,
Turkey needs to increase the number of working women more rapidly than in the
past. Indeed, more working women means more breadwinners in the household and
therefore more income and more spending on children's education, as well as
more savings and, finally, higher growth rates. In this respect, there is
rather good news. Bahçeşehir University's Center for Economic and Social
Research (BETAM) published research this week that analyzes recent
developments in the female labor market. From 2005 (the year the Turkish
Statistics Institute [TurkStat] started to publish quarterly labor market
data) to 2012, female employment and the female labor force in urban areas
increased by 1,500,000 and by 1,700,000, respectively; an increase of more
than 50 percent in both categories. The number of unemployed women increased
by 200,000, but the rate of female unemployment decreased from 17 percent to
15.5 percent thanks to the strong increases in employment and the labor
It should be noted that significant growth in the number of working women
occurred in recent years. Indeed, 70 percent of the overall increase took
place between 2008 and 2012. The female participation rate in urban areas
rose from 18.7 to 20.8 percent between 2005 and 2008, at an average of 0.7
percentage points per year while the participation rate reached 26.1 percent
in 2012 and the yearly average increase has been 1.3 points. If this observed
acceleration in the female labor force and employment continues during the
coming years, Turkey will be able to catch up to Greece and Italy with
respect to the percentage of working women by 2030.
Is this catch-up plausible? Answering this question needs a comprehensive
analysis, but a close look at the figures may already provide some hints. BETAM's
research shows that the largest share of the acceleration both in the
increase of urban female employment and the labor force might be explained by
the rise in middle-aged and less-educated housewives in the labor market.
Almost half of an increase of 1,225,000 in urban female employment during
the last four years is women having at least a college degree. This fact is
not surprising, since the participation rate at the college level is quite
high (70 percent) and the number of female college graduates is regularly
increasing. It should be noted that from 2005 to 2012 no changes are observed
in the participation rates of college graduates when considering age groups,
except for women over the age of 44. This means that there are no exceptional
entries into the labor market at this level of education and the increase in
participation rates at later ages can be easily explained by delayed
retirement (See BETAM's 2013 research brief “Artık daha geç emekli oluyoruz”
[We are postponing retirement]). So, we can conclude that the increase in the
female labor force and employment at the college level will be slightly
faster in the future because of later retirement.
The surprise lies among high school graduates, but mostly among women
having an educational attainment level of less than high school. The
participation rates of women aged between 25 and 54 with a high school
diploma are increasing regularly. This means that each year, some housewives
with a high school-level education decide to work. But the impact of this
group on the exceptional increase in the number of working women is rather
limited, since high school graduates constitute only 15 percent of female
employment. On the other hand, less-educated middle-aged women started to
enter the labor market in great numbers in recent years. The participation
rate of this group increased by 4.3 percentage points, from 11.7 percent in
2008 to 16 percent in 2012, while the increase in the participation rate for
women aged between 25 and 54 jumped by 7.7 points, from 13 percent to 20.3
What pushed these housewives to work? We do not know the answer yet. When
we have that answer we can predict if the rise in the number of working women
will continue in the future.
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